
數位家庭產品初探 -- libupnp 相關套件

大家都知道數位家庭產品目前流行的是 DLNA, 而 DLNA 在底層的 protocol 方面則採 uPnP, 因此要談數位家庭就得研究 uPnP,而要談 uPnP 的開發就不得不談談 libupnp, 它可以用來寫各式跟 uPnP 的裝置(device)與服務(service),因此對數位家庭有興趣的人研究它是必要的。

libupnp 原本是 Intel 釋出的 GPL source code, 原先專案在 http://upnp.sf.net, 後來原團隊沒打算繼續發展,而由 Michael Pfeiffer 維護在 http://pupnp.sourceforge.net/ , 其版本始自 1.4.1。

先來寫目前我查到用 libupnp 建構出來的套件名稱列表,底下除了 ushare, djmount 外,是 debian testing 入選的套件,至於其他使用到的套件可以查上述 pupnp 網站,而最新版源碼亦可在該網站內找到。

gmediaserver: gMediaServer is a server for UPnP media players like the Netgear MP101, Linksys WMLS11B etc. It exports one ore more directories using the UPnP protocol so the mediaserver can browse through them and play audio or video files.

linux-igd: Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device. This is a daemon that emulates Microsoft's Internet Connection Service (ICS). It implements the UPnP Internet Gateway Device specification (IGD) and allows UPnP aware clients, such as MSN Messenger to work properly from behind a NAT firewall.

wmaloader: firmware downloader for Linksys WMA11B media adapter. wmaloader is a simple program that can download filesystem images to the Linksys WMA11B. It performs the same function as the Windows XP/2000 Digital Media Adapter Application Loader (supplied with the original software) but can run on other operating systems. This allows the Linksys Wireless Media adapter to be booted from a linux system. It does *not* supply media files to the device (yet!) but even so it might prove useful to those who wish to experiment hacking the device.

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