加值模組屬於社群自行開發的,通常放在獨立的目錄而且預設並不會被編譯進來。如果你想啟動它的話,請利用源碼編譯時採用 make menuselect 來選擇。
- app_mysql Executes MySQL queries with a dialplan application (過期,請參考 func_odbc)
- app_saycountpl Says Polish counting words (過期,已整合在 say.conf)
- cdr_mysql Logs CDRs to a MySQL database (有用的)
- chan_mobile Enables making and receiving phone calls using cell phones over Bluetooth (有限制的)
- chan_ooh323 Enables making and receiving VoIP calls using the H.323 protocol (有用的)
- format_mp3 Allows Asterisk to play MP3 files (有用的)
- res_config_mysql Uses a MySQL database as a realtime configuration backend (有用的)
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