
Asterisk : The Cookbook 食譜 016 - 資源

Q016: 可以說說資源模組嗎?

Asterisk 的組態設置都存放在 /etc/asterisk/ 中,每個模組有各自的組態。
  1. res_config_curl Pulls configuration information using cURL (有用的)
  2. res_config_ldap Pulls configuration information using LDAP (可用的)
  3. res_config_odbc Pulls configuration information using ODBC (有用的)
  4. res_config_pgsql Pulls configuration information using PostgreSQL (有用的)
  5. res_config_sqlite Pulls configuration information using SQLite (version 2) (有用的)
  6. res_config_sqlite3 Pulls configuration information using SQLite (version 3) (有用的)

    有些操作需要時間來源,不過像 MeetMe() 卻不是使用時間界面,而是直接從 DAHDI 取得。不過並不是每個機器都有支援 DAHDI 硬體模組,所以也可以考慮改用 res_timing_timerfd。可能的話盡量不要使用 res_timing_pthread,因為它比較沒效率。
  7. res_timing_dahdi Provides timing using the DAHDI kernel interface (有用的)
  8. res_timing_kqueue Provides timing using a kernel feature in some BSDs, including Mac OS X (有用的)
  9. res_timing_pthread Provides timing using only parts of the standard pthread API; less efficient but more portable than other timing modules (有用的)
  10. res_timing_timerfd Provides timing using the timerfd API provided by newer versions of the Linux kernel (有用的)
    Asterisk 也整合某些行事曆系統,你可以讀寫撥號計畫中的行事曆資訊,也可以透過行程安排自動撥號。
  11. res_calendar Enables base integration to calendaring systems (有用的)
  12. res_calendar_caldav Allows features provided by res_calendar to connect to calendars via CalDAV (有用的)
  13. res_calendar_exchange Allows features provided by res_calendar to connect to MS Exchange (有用的)
  14. res_calendar_icalendar Allows features provided by res_calendar to connect to Apple/Google iCalendar (有用的)
    Asterisk 的核心並不包含 RTP 實作,所以如果你的某個 VoIP 通道需要 RTP 的話,就必須先載入 res_rtp_asterisk 模組。而多點廣播 RTP 只用在 chan_multicast_rtp 通道。
  15. res_rtp_asterisk Provides RTP (重要的)
  16. res_rtp_multicast Provides multicast RTP
    Asterisk 在使用在各個音頻與視頻格式時,可以實作的一個重要介面就是『屬性』。
  17. res_format_attr_celt Handles format attribute details for the CELT audio format (有用的)
  18. res_format_attr_h263 Handles format attribute details for the H.263 video format (有用的)
  19. res_format_attr_h264 Handles format attribute details for the H.264 video format (有用的)
  20. res_format_attr_silk Handles format attribute details for the SILK audio format (有用的)
    底下是一些可選模組供 Asterisk 命令列界面(CLI)使用
  21. res_clialiases Creates CLI aliases (有用的)
  22. res_clioriginate Provides an Asterisk CLI command for originating calls (有用的)
  23. res_convert Provides an Asterisk CLI command to perform file-format conversions (有用的)
  24. res_limit Enables adjusting of system limits on the Asterisk process (有用的)
  25. res_realtime Provides CLI commands for the Asterisk Realtime Architecture (ARA) (有用的)
  26. res_adsi Provides ADSI (重要)
  27. res_ael_share Provides shared routines for use with pbx_ael (如果使用 AEL 就重要,不過應該沒人在用 AEL)
  28. res_agi Provides the Asterisk Gateway Interface (see Chapter 21) (有用的)
  29. res_corosync Provides distributed message waiting indication (MWI) and device state notifications via the Corosync Cluster Engine (有用的)
  30. res_crypto Provides cryptographic capabilities (有用的)
  31. res_curl Provides common subroutines for other cURL modules (有用的)
  32. res_fax Provides common subroutines for other fax modules (有用的)
  33. res_fax_spandsp Plug-in for fax using the spandsp package (有用的)
  34. res_http_post Provides POST upload support for the Asterisk HTTP server (有用的)
  35. res_http_websocket Provides WebSocket support for the Asterisk internal HTTP server; also utilized by chan_sip to provide SIP over a WebSocket connection, which is useful for rtcweb(有用的)
  36. res_jabber Provides Jabber/XMPP resources (過期,請參考 res_xmpp)
  37. res_monitor Provides call-recording resources (有用的)
  38. res_musiconhold Provides music on hold (MOH) resources (重要)
  39. res_mutestream Allows muting/unmuting of audio streams 
  40. res_odbc Provides common subroutines for other ODBC modules (有用的)
  41. res_phoneprov Provisions phones from Asterisk HTTP server 
  42. res_pktccops Provides PacketCable COPS resources 
  43. res_security_log Enables logging of security events generated by other parts of Asterisk 
  44. res_smdi Provides voicemail notification using the SMDI protocol (有限制的)
  45. res_snmp Provides system status information to an SNMP-managed network (有用的)
  46. res_speech Generic speech recognition API (有限制的)
  47. res_xmpp Provides Jabber/XMPP resources (有用的)

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