一聽到模擬器,大家會想到的或許是game 的吧,但是我一向不玩 game, 所以當然不會去談它,但是事實上我也曾經玩過 game 模擬器,其實這也是一個課題。
比較常用的模擬器有很多,一般人可能較常用 vmware 吧,不過我以前只用 wine, 後來用 qemu, 最近又多了一個不錯的選擇,叫 virtual box, 有windows 也有 Linux, 例如 debian/ubuntu
其實模擬器還有很多,例如 xen, 但是其他的我都沒在用,只曾經試用。若以 x86 的模擬來說,Virtual box 比 qemu 還快,不過 qemu 適用的硬體較多,算是各有好壞。
unzip unsupported compression method 99
我最近遇到 unzip 要解開收到的附件,卻出現 unsupported compression method 99,因為明明是 .zip 檔,所以一直以為是 winzip 太新用了什麼鳥方法造成的,因為困擾不大就沒深究。後來才發現用 7z 可以解開,查了一下,底下一篇有說明 http://juljas.net/linux/tips/,其說明如下:
ZIP unsupported compression method 99
There is new kind of compresion that can be used to compress files inside .zip file.
It is related to security encryption and regular Linux unzip utility does not know how to handle that.
Files compressed with method 99 can be uncompressed with another utility called 7z. There is Linux & win32 version.
Syntax is: 7z x file.zip
7z is available at 7z home site and in standard repositories (i.e. yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins)
事實上在 debian/ubuntu 中也有 p7zip 可以安裝,請自行用 apt-cache search p7zip 找。若含密碼的話,解開的語法是類似
7z x -p密碼緊接在此 File.zip
ZIP unsupported compression method 99
There is new kind of compresion that can be used to compress files inside .zip file.
It is related to security encryption and regular Linux unzip utility does not know how to handle that.
Files compressed with method 99 can be uncompressed with another utility called 7z. There is Linux & win32 version.
Syntax is: 7z x file.zip
7z is available at 7z home site and in standard repositories (i.e. yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins)
事實上在 debian/ubuntu 中也有 p7zip 可以安裝,請自行用 apt-cache search p7zip 找。若含密碼的話,解開的語法是類似
7z x -p密碼緊接在此 File.zip
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